i got your back...

...do you have mine?

that's all i saw today - the backs of geese... they were all laying down - all over the grass - looking at me, looking at them - talking to them... they'd get up and move a foot and lay back down. stretch their necks to munch - while still laying down... so i was treated to glorious backs and it made me wonder about that phrase -

i got your back...

do you use it? to let someone know you've got 'em covered... you'll take care of them - when times are tough... if they're struggling... or if they need a hand... if they're hurting... i think our soldiers say it to each other - maybe cops, too... perhaps firemen - anyone who goes into some kind of dangerous situation and is relying on someone else... i think it's a figure of speech, right? that we say it and then expect the other person is going to look after us... and we'll do likewise. or do we say it only because it sounds cool - but don't really mean it - because truly when the going gets tough, we want out? are you in for the long haul or only around during the easy times...

that's the thing about wildlife... most times they have an innate sense to be there for each other - you see it in the way they live - how they pack together... bond - like with the geese i was with today - how they fly together, count on each other during the formation. we could learn a thing or two from them if we paid attention...

in the meantime, i was reassured by this goose as he glanced at me - as though confirming he had my back... i didn't even have to ask him... boo - and

that made for a

happy day.....

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