Double L

By Wyldkatt

Tomatoes, tomatoes, oh how many tomatoes!!

Okay - so I haven't blipped for the last couple of days. Quite simply I really haven't found anything that I wanted to blip about - nothing that really caught my eye. Or if it did, by the time I got out the camera it was gone.

To be fair - my camera (and I use that term very loosely) is my mobile phone. I really don't have a better camera and it is with me all the time. So I do have to be selective in the shots that I want to take.

Today's subject is tomatoes - I have had quite few from the garden this year. I haven't bought any from the supermarket since May.

My approach to gardening is simple. I plant it. It grows. I occasionally water it or weed it. If I remember I feed it. It still grows. I get stuff I eat. I do it all again next yesr.

I am never going to have 'pretty' crops. they are never going to be the largest. But they are VERY tasty - and I don't think I can get much more organic,

So - the oral of the story is - gardening doesn't have to be overily time consuming or complicated. A little effort still has rewards. A greater effort would have greater reward.

I made the effort - well a little one :)

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