Learning day by day

By EmmaF


Despite the colour of the leaves on some of the trees I am still stubbornly wearing my birkenstocks, three quarter trousers and a t-shirt, admittedly with a cardigan, but it won't be long before the flip flops have to go.

Today was miserable, William has been miserable most of the day. He wasn't himself at Music Train and screamed in the buggy all the way home. He then slept for the best part of 90mins and woke in a slightly better mood. Not happy enough to go in a sainsbury's trolley though, so the shopping trip resulted in only essentials being bought, the rest will have to wait for tomorrow.

16.35 and homework done. Getting quicker at it as the quantity is certainly not reducing.

Hey ho tomorrow is another day.

Sorry if this is slightly fuzzy but I was holding a toddler on reins when it was taken, not the best way to get good shots.

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