Family Dog

By Family_Dog

breakfast of champions

The day zooms by. Breakfast becomes lunch, lunch becomes afternoon munchities and dinner becomes well, some random grub we can stuff in our faces before falling into bed. Before getting back up again to feed the baby, before falling into bed again...

Anyway - today, Bry offered me lunch of any description. Anything I wanted was to be mine. "Ooh", I thought. "What shall I choose?" before grinning like an idiot at the idea of stinky, gloopy cheeses, things so unpasteurised that Louis Pasteur would be turning in his grave. And pate - of course, pate. The most listeria ridden of all if you please (well, not quite but you catch my drift).

And due to having to write a list and go to the shops to purchase said listeria etc. we skipped brekkie and had all this lovely scran as a lunchy breakfasty tea.

All the while, baby Arlo slept like an angel and didn't wake up till the last crumb of stilton was demolished by our ailing cat.

Naughty Cat.

Good Baby.

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