All in pink

Sorry to bore you all with yet another flower, I promise to do better tomorrow.
I have just been so busy lately (no excuse I know) just no enough hours in the day.

Been to college tonight, the tutor was a bit poorly so not a lot done but never mind, got to get work printed and ready for the end of year. So I'll be working on that over the next few days along with the final bits of some restoration work I'm doing.

Next week will see the editing of the prom pictures, must say I'm really enjoying but its all takes so much time and I think next week will be busy too. I'll catch up with comments when I can so please bare with me.

Meant to say yesterday that Mike had his final day at B&Q and they got him a really nice watch and a slab of beer as a leaving pressy, off to pastures new in a couple of weeks. Well done Mike you deserve a break x x

Hope you are all ok in blipland, take care all x x

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