
Mike and I took Ellis out today to Chester, so love having him he is no trouble at all.

Ellis so loves the buggy we bought him and he had great fun trying to grab everything he could reach and get it into the buggy with him. The last time we were out he tried to get an Iggle piggle, needless to say I bought it for him. He gets about really quickly now and is up on all fours proper crawling.

Stopped off on the way home to buy a washing machine, after all the trouble recently with the big stores we opted for the guy down the road who has been trading for 37 years and does not advertise. All trade is by word of mouth. Chose the washer, asked about delivery and it is being delivered tomorrow between 10 and 2. In and out and a pleasure to do business

The weather has been cooler today which is really nice as its been far too hot for me.

Today's blip is of the railway bridge across the River Dee and the remains of the landing stage where the big ships used to come into British Steel to pick up the steel.

Have a great weekend everyone

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