What a bummer. Not the book. The book was excellent. Beautifully written, absorbing and memorable. But then Theo Dorgan is a poet. I do wonder whether my nephew made an appearance on page 206 as "the good guy". I must find out where in the world he was that day.

The bummer is my neck, see yesterday. My lymph gland is not infected. My lymph gland is fighting an infection. Shingles. And not winning. I have never seen or come into contact with anyone suffering from shingles, but have heard tales of woe about the affliction. I can now commiserate wholeheartedly with them. I am gulping down 10 anti-viral tablets a day plus painkillers, and feel rotten. Hopefully though, as the treatment has started early, I may be in for an easier time than many.

And finding a Blip a day will give me something to focus on, other than the urge to scratch!

Back blipped as I was very early to bed.

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