The life & times of Jacks

By Jacqueline

Freedom - now where is my stash?

Casper got out of cat prison aka the cattery today. He totally let us know how much he was happy to be home by meowing so. freaking. loudly this morning. Nice to see prison hasn't changed his chatting too much!

He has gained weight again in the cattery - just not enough running about outside chasing the local wildlife means he sometimes comes home a bit podgier than when he left us.

This picture was taken this evening after Steve gave him some catnip which he totally went mental for.

I had a rather pleasant day. I went into town to meet up with a friend and another old work colleague who we worked with in India a few years ago. He was flying through on his way from Vancouver to South Africa. 2 days travelling sounds horrific but then his journey gave him time to catch up with friends in San Francisco and in London so can't be all that bad :)

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