an image of teamdel

By teamdel

Off We Go Looking Back A Little

Up early to pack as today we left the Wight house, that has been our home for the last seven days. Baby got quite upset each time I left the house with another bag to put in the car. He has become more and more attached to me as the week has gone on. Eventually we got all our stuff in the car, ttok a family photo in the empty house and then popped into Cowes to buy a couple of things. Rounding up the little ones into the car in the morning took longer than expected so we did not have time to hit the play park before the ferry but considering both fell asleep before we got on the boat this was probably no bad thing.

Shortly after the ferry set off both little ones woke so we watched Portsmouth get nearer and nearer out on deck all together. Being back home felt strange especially with all our tons of stuff around us as we have got used to less clutter over the last week. As we unpacked the little ones got themselves aquanted with the toys they have been apart from before we went to the park. Toddler bumped into a friend on the way there, another at the park and another on the way home. She has missed her friends and they have missed her. No wonder we have had a few moments where it felt our two were going a bit wild. I dont think they have ever had to put up with so much time without the fun of their friends.

On a purly personally note it was strange going back to somewhere I spent so much time in my past but the reality was that the paths of the present and the past rarly crossed. Back in those study days I didn't visit any country parks or Donkey Sancturys and in these family days I didn't visit a single pub.

All in all a great holiday that will live long in the memories, hopefully for all of us. It feels like we have spent some real quality family time together that has done us all some good and made us even closer. Highligts for me were Toddler flying her first kite on the island where I really discovered the joy of flying one, Baby shaking his head laughing whenever we asked him if he was going to learn to talk soon and finishing most days with a chat with Wife about the little ones in a hot tub.

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