hello again

By admirer


of a simple bar in the harbour.
Early start of the walk because of the lifting mist. Such beautiful light to be cherished. At the end of the harbour the path goes sharp uphill along the Eisenbahnerheim, where we do not go anymore since the horses Paule, Lucky and Beauty went to their summer-residence.
It is a learning-path where we go, with explanation of the ant-hill and the Romans who once came here with their armies. Or a pilgrims in the Middle Ages.
Nowadays one does not meet any soul up here. We do not follow it however till Helmarshausen, another path lures us into the fir-forest. The birds are singing loud here, are there any squirrels? or a fox perhaps?
We come at the Charlotte-stein. A mysterious little tower, that a "Studienrat" from Essen build there with the school-children at a holiday. Once one could look over the valley towards Beverungen, but the trees that were little then (in the twenties of the last century) are now giants. He baptised it in the name of his wife, the text on a little stone tells us. Piet Hein thinks that she had passed away and it is an in memoriam, a remembrance of the happy time they were here together (honey-moon?).
I think she just stayed home, with their 5 children. No not really, I make that up right now.
Beneath the building we find beautiful mushrooms, the red ones, Amanita muscaria, or so I think. But for the blip I choose the reflection.

My haiku:

Does the mirror tell
The truth or the reflection
Beautifies us?

And the proverb:

A merry companion on the road is as good as a nag.

Nag I had to look up in the dictionary and means a horse.
Some proverbs in the book are coming from a different age, I think. Many from the Bible, they are so severe mostly I prefer to keep them waiting.

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