Lemmys Space

By Lemmy

Broadhaven Beach.Slains Aberdeenshire.

This was our walk to day, you can just
see Mr L and Dino the dynomite dog!!
That dog is on rocket fuel, I am sure of
that, he never stops.
It was glorious weather a bitty windy
but nice and warm.
We stopped here for a picnic, I took some
doggy biccies for Dino, but no he preferred
our sarnies !!!!
The walk took us along cliff tops, I have a
dreadful fear of heights , I was walking
leaning to one side, which I am sure Mr L
thought very comical :-(
We didn't see a soul which was wonderful
the walk took about 3 hours, so that's me
knackered, away for a wee lie down.

Happy Monday everyone.
( I think that's a song ) :-)

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