Sprint & Spirit

By jerryshi734

Blues Brothers


In a way, they're like brothers. They wear the same sleek colors, live in the same apartment, and even have the same name. I met Josh Yee many years ago and Josh Leung just a month ago. We go to AIV together. These guys are cool.

Today was fun. I spent the morning finishing Iliad. Our first paper is due October 4, which is only nine days away. I'm taking a break from writing the intro to type this entry, actually. Our first Pops Orchestra rehearsal was in the afternoon. It was fun to meet a lot of new people and play familiar and new music. Nothing will supplant my high school orchestra, but this will be great nonetheless!

In the evening, I did more reading, then went to AIV's new student dinner. There was a lot of good food and good fellowship. Plus I got to take the camera out haha. Great day!



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