Just Netty

By netty

Swirly wurly.....

So what's been happening since my last blip?....

I started my theatre school in a new venue on Saturday morning, which went well. I always get nervous at the beginning of term thinking no one will turn up but they do!

Today I took my minibus driving test for school. That was interesting, I have now got a headache. No disrespect to people who do this kinda thing but my god the men teaching us on the course love the sound of their own voices and are right anoraks! I've heard about it all today, from bad drivers to driving in the desert in Africa! SHUT UP!.... If they hadn't talked so much I would have been all done and dusted by lunchtime! As it happens I passed the driving part but need to redo the theory test, failed that by one question! Bugger! Never mind!

This picture today is representing what my head feels like a swirly mess!

I hope you have all had a good productive day!

I do like looking at all your blips! It does make the world seem a cosier place I must admit! X

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