Just Netty

By netty

The sun has got his hat on...

Wow what lovely weather we are having!

At school on a Friday the whole school for their literacy do a 'big write'. This was a piece of writing a year six child did today, I thought it was so good I wanted to share it with you!

They were asked to write a beginning of a story describing what it is like to walk through a door....

Ali stood silently looking at the door. With a slow creaking sound, it opened. Taking a deep breath Ali walked inside. As he walked through the passage way he could smell damp Walls. As he carried on walking all he could hear were the howls of an unknown beast. Old dirty pictures with bulging eyes that are always following you. As the old grandfather clock chimed, Ali heard a spine shivering sound going through his head. Suddenly the door slammed as a gust of wind showered the room. Ali had goosebumps running down his spine. He heard screaming in the next room , as he turned he saw blood all over the walls. He could taste old cigarette smoke drifting through the air. As he wandered through the nightmare that seemed real, his heart started pumping so fast that he just wanted to wake up... Was it real or was it a dream?....

I have typed that word for word how they wrote it! Considering they are only ten years old I thought that was great!

Hope you have all enjoyed the sunshine which did come finally after the fog! xx

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