Kendall is here

By kendallishere

Blip and Degrees of Separation

This morning I heard from MyMagicKingdom that she reached my daughter, Palesa, about whom I wrote a couple of days ago. Palesa can't cope with international mail, postal delivery is not dependable for her, and she has no internet access, but she has a cell phone. I have never been able to reach her by calling her cell phone number from the USA, but MyMagicKingdom, who I have befriended through Blip, and who lives in South Africa not far from where Palesa lives, asked if she could try. She did, and she reached Palesa and let her know that I am thinking of her with love--and sent me the news that Palesa is alive and well (and has a few minutes of time on her cell phone) and sends me her love. We may be able to connect and communicate through the generosity of MyMagicKingdom in the future.

Yesterday, Earthdreamer posted a picture of his office, which, it turns out, is only blocks from the home of my friend in the UK,  Christine, who lives in Saltaire, across the very same canal as Earthdreamer. The picture he posted is of a place I saw in 1970 when I first visited Christine and her family.

And so I have been thinking about the notion that none of us is more than six steps away from any other person on the face of the earth. Music to think about this with: Zoe Keating, playing Beethoven's 7th, first recommended by Freespiral. Oh yes, Blip, yes.

Today's picture is of a detail from Manuel Izquierdo's sculpture, Silver Dawn. Its intersecting planes speak to me of the few degrees of separation between us all.

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