Happy Birthday MCS

Our school celebrated its 10th Birthday today! Although the primary school was founded in 1994 already, it operated more or less like a 'home schooling' system, but they built the current school on the Beethoven campus in 2001 and only then became an official primary school!

The school grew with leaps and bounds, and boasts a primary school with almost 200 learners and a secondary school, which was founded in January 2010, with 20 students and now boasts 81 students which will grow substantially in the new year, and we are planning an A-levels college for 2012 as well.

On Friday 30 September, we will have the official opening of the High School, with a lovely formal programme, guests of honour of note, an official ribbon cutting ceremony as well as the unveiling of the plaque. Next on the programme will be a formal function in the marquee tent, some speeches, a few musical items by students, lunch and then tea/coffee/desert.

Friday evening the whole school, staff, learners and parents will celebrate with an informal 'Braai' (BBQ) and lively music, maybe some will dance a bit in the amphitheatre! ;-)

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