
By tookie

Hump Day Snapped!

I'm hanging around the yard to make sure I can feel better going off to see the kids this weekend! That meant another flower so today's is a snapdragon "snapped" on hump day. One without processing in blipfolio under flowers.

I did get the hooligans out in between bus runs --sun was out then so it felt good to soak some rays in. Now it's back to resting. I heard an excellent rant last night by Lawrence O'Donnel on MSNBC on police abuse of power being pretty standard American fare anymore and not just in the Afro-American communities. Like the pepper spraying of the young women at the protest on wall street the other day in NY City. Pretty disturbing. It's nasty stuff. I remember being pepper sprayed while completely peaceably protesting the Vietnam War in Washington D.C. in the seventies. This time it was captured on video however. here

Like with most abuses it's a few bad eggs...this is not a belief that most of the NYC police behave this way...they don't. But this is inexcusable as it's our right to peaceable assemble and protest. End of rant.

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