An ordinary life....

By Damnonii



Back to dull, grey skies here today but still fairly mild. Certainly not the record breaking temperatures being enjoyed in some parts of the country. Totally bizarre weather. *scratches head*

Much to do this evening. D is off to Portugal very early on Saturday morning for a 4 day golf break with a group of friends so need to help him get organised. I am very lucky as he is an extremely self sufficient hubby but since I have been totally neglecting the ironing due to blipping other extremely important chores, I have offered to iron the clothes he needs to take. See, I'm a good wife really! (who's that coughing at the back?!!)

Also been waiting for my mum's consultant to phone (be tomorrow now probably - hey ho) to discuss her lack of care in hospital. We're all worried sick and not at all happy with what's been happening....or not happening to be more accurate.

Right, best get on. Hope to catch up with you all later. xx

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