Trixie's Adventures

By TrixieTheCollie

The Leisure Centre

Today I went for my walk to the leisure centre. I'm not allowed in there so I had to sit and wait patiently by the picnic tables, while Ann went inside to get a swimming pool timetable.

Two years ago Ann took part in the 'Great North Swim' which involved swimming a mile in Lake Windermere. This year she hasn't even swum a length of the local pool since June.

She says she's been slobbing around all summer and now it's time to get fit again! Apparently she has lots of 'stuff' to do for the next couple of weeks but after that she's going to get back into a routine of swimming 3-4 times a week.

Grrrrrrrrrr ................................ if she wants more exercise, why doesn't she just take me for extra walks???

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