My Magic Kingdom

By HRHCinderella

Shana Tova

It is the 2nd night of Rosh Hashana and we are still eating. I have blipped our FIRST course for tonight. From the top and going right is: a green salad, mock crayfish, chopped liver, Yom Tov challah, kichel biscuits and chopped herring. The meal officially begins with a taste of apples and honey.

To follow is chicken soup and kneidlach. Then there is roast lamb, veggies and potatoes. Followed by ice-cream and fruit salad, chocolate mousse and apple tsimmes.

We must be crazy!

It all adds up to a happy, family occasion. These special days make you review your life and habits. Allow you to renew your faith and feel the love of family and friends.

Our meal tonight has symbolic value - the apples dipped in honey are to ensure a sweet new year and the round challah bread (instead of the plaited loaf) symbolises the circle of life.

May the year ahead be filled with joy and good health!

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