Misty 600/365!

Belfast and environs appeared to have its own micro-climate this evening. As you can see from the links below, the city was bathed in lovely evening sunlight but as I travelled out towards home I noticed a fast mist rolling in from the Castlereagh Hills and I drove up Whinney Hill looking for misty inspiration. This was my best shot and I felt it looked best in black and white.

For the sun, and some grot, click below:

Belfast Central Library - this place used to have a record lending library. I remember, back in 1981 (aged 19) collecting Joni Mitchell's Don Juan's Reckless Daughter which I had ordered.

Haymarket Arcade - Eighties grot palace which ran from the grotty end of Royal Avenue into grotty Gresham Street

Late Summer Sun - Belfast's own Art Deco treasure and my favourite building in the city.

Blipfoto seems to be having an off day - so comments will be caught up with, tomorrow evening :)

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