Capital adventures

By marchmont


What did you do today in the end of summer, September sunshine? Go for a walk, stroll along the beach, sit in the garden, cut the grass, enjoy the sun? I planned to do some of these gardening coming top of the list. But it was not to be. After my morning swim I stupidly tried to change a file name on my bookkeeping programme. I was about to go to.the bank. But I lost the file. I lost the file and the joint account disappeared into the software ether, the twilight zone.

So no sun for me. Instead a day sorting out the mess I'd created. One click and a day lost. Still at it. Money, who needs it!

I did manage to book the Salon Project at the Traverse. L and I are going. We need to get dressed up!

So now I'm fair wabbit and I still have to repopulate the restored version. But it's 'Strictly' later and I have a bottle of wine and a 'Dine in for a Tenner' meal from M and S, of course it will last ME two days.

Bon weekend, mes amis!

PS I have no idea why this blip is upside down - i rotated it before I uploaded it but it really says it all about today - wabbit and topsy turvy!

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