
By eightthirty

live that dream

but you knew that already.

Today at 8:30 am I was sitting in North Queensferry in the warmth of the morning sun.

We've had unseasonably warm week - which has been ideal as Mrs theWeir and I have been on holiday from work.

(I've just back-blipped Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday)

So with many of the things on our lists that we'd hoped to see done on our week already done, I headed out on my bike at a reasonably early hour to cross the Forth Road Bridge, fulfilling a long-held ambition.

In Primary 3, I bought (probably my Mum bought) a Maisie McKenzie book and cassette tape set. There were two stories of Maisie the cat on this tape - her adventures in Glasgow and her Mystery Tour. I loved listening to this tape, and in fact loads of other radio-play/read-our-loud books. Fed my imagination, I hope!

The mystery tour story featured (from a 20-year-old memory) Maisie cycling over the Forth Road Bridge. Even at that age, or slightly older I knew what and where that was (under 10 miles from the house I lived in at the time, with my parents) and dreamt of one day cycling over the bridge, just like Maisie.

Today, I did it.

My house is closer to the bridge and on a recent cycle to South Queesnferry, my long-held dream was brought to mind.

It was a fairly routine trip on what was a beautiful morning, but the feeling of cycling over the bridge was tremendous. Not because it was earth-shattering, even though the view and colours were great. It was simply the feeling of realising a long-held dream.

Isn't it great to see your dreams come to life?

"Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but a longing fulfilled is a tree of life." (Prov 13:12)

I sat on the pier at North Queensferry enthused and encouraged. All things are possible.

"Everything is possible for him who believes." (Mark 9:23)

The remains of the day were relaxed, productive and generally holiday-tastic. Very grateful for the time and space to live that dream.


A few more pictures from the jaunt on Flickr here.

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