Five things

By fivethings

Men Should Weep

1. Yes indeed men should weep. They should bury their heads and sob.

2. I saw our production of Men Should Weep tonight at the Citizens'. It's been on for a while, sold out, and I hadn't seen it. Having a sell out show on your hands is a rare and wonderful thing. It's our ultimate goal and when it happens the mind focuses and a spotlight shines. It's a different kind of stress, but it's worth it. I've been doing this for a while and sometimes you get a wee hint of making history. I think I might dare to go as far as to say, history is being made.

3. A few months ago the project I ran hit big, we did something that shone, that collectively worked and caught imaginations. I'm giving presentations and people are writing about it. Tonight though, was just a big a deal for me. Not many folk know, but tonight we did something that's never been done before at least not to my knowledge. We hit big again. We have a deaf theatre club. I think I thought of that. Now look where we are.

4. Now look where we are indeed. Late afternoon I attend our event about 1990 and the impact it had. I imagine being called to such a panel in 20 years. I write the introduction I would get in my head. There are gaps to be filled and it's fun to think about the options. They haven't been written yet. I could start writing them now.

5. This picture is one of the art installations that sits with the show. Each window shows or tells what people living in the Gorbals see from their windows. I'm not sure about the helpfulness of the weeping of men come to think of it. There are are many, many other things that can be done.

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