Aquamarine/Nanna K's Day

By NannaK

Jerome's Shed

Weather change. Too blustery to row, so we walked.... and added to a series of sheds I've started recording on the Island. They do come in all sizes and shapes. This one was built by a single not so young Brit who lives here most of the year. He dismantled a trailer and had to do something with the windows -voila!-a potting shed! He does a lot of work on his place, is kind of an interesting odd duck.
I did not realize until I put this on the computer that he is in the picture!!!! back of his head poking out the top of the roof in the middle!)
Had trouble uploading until I found more files to delete - well, there were a LOT of very silly wildly shakey and very loud videos the grandchildren took that I got rid of (don't worry, I saved some and these are backed up....)
Had a very lovely dinner out tonight at the neighbor's across the bay.. Hoped for a good sunset sky from their vantage point but it just didn't happen....

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