All You need

Delighted as I am for all you sunsoaked southerners basking in record breaking October temperatures and cavorting on beaches and parks in the unequal division of our island weather, I can't help feeling a tad let down that in God's own country north of Hadrian's Wall, not only did you beat us at Rugby, but we have here a dull, muggy, misty day full of the promise of rain and worse; a bit warmer than usual I must agree.

There are hardly any barbecue buffs settling down outside on the grass; in fact all yesterday's recumbent bodies are upright and engaged in active duty on the sports front, intent on beating the forecasted soaking.

We Scots are a resilient race well used to coming off second best in sport, weather, and most of everything else while still maintaining a inner belief in our undoubted superiority.
And so I can only think that it was a Scot who penned those words with a spray gun so neatly on a nearby wall.

It's a sentiment most people would agree with, even if a Glasgow kiss has somewhat different connotations from that intended by the sprayer.

However I might like to add a bit more of sunshine and a wee bit more spending money wouldn't go amiss.

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