Evening on the Canal

I must say that I have absolutely no bad things to say about EasyJet at all.
They behaved impeccably and we arrived and departed from Schipol Airport on time.

Our American friends were waiting for us at the hotel and after the the greetings were over, it was down to seeing the sights.

Unfortunately the weather that the UK got on Wednesday was the weather we got in Amsterdam on Thursday, and so it was a soggy walk around with low mist and rain.

Today was a very different day, warm and sunny, necessitating much shedding of layers.
We indulged in a little more culture by visiting the Van Gogh Museum. Although there wasn't a queue to get in, it was sometimes hard to see the paintings when so many people were in front of you.

Afterwards we caught red tourist bus which took us round the city and we hopped off at one point to have a canal cruise.

We escaped death on several occasions at the wheels of thousand of cyclists who seem to be everywhere along with tram cars and buses.
Fortunately the cyclists all have bells and with them and, adept manoevering, they seem to miss all the jay walking tourists.
We were surprised at the fact that we never saw any cyclists coming to grief on the many tram lines which criss cross the centre.

Needless to say, just for academic interest you understand, we had to visit the Red Light area and wonder at the human race.
We saw lots of young guys leering but I'm sure not many were brave enough to follow the beckoning finger.

Well, I thought it all rather sordid..... ..his Lordship is keeping schtum.

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