My Magic Kingdom

By HRHCinderella

Sunbathing Hippos

I stayed up late last night putting together my first powerpoint presentation. I was inspired by LuvU2 who spent many hours doing a presentation of the school's history which she uploaded onto 30 flashdrives. These were branded with the school's logo and given as momentos on our birthday. I put together a presentation of yesterday's events. I couldn't believe how easy it was to use the program and realised that I should have tried it ages ago.

I didn't wake up easily today but daughter T needed to go to her modeling course. While I waited for T, I had a cup of tea with my sister and showed her the presentation so that she could see our special day.

My boys had gone to the MX track and so when I got back home I was a able to catch up on the week's episodes of So You Think You Can Dance. T had stayed with her friend and I had a quiet afternoon.

3 dirty and tired boys returned with Mr G as son K has a friend staying over. They were planning on fishing tonight but as they got ready to go we heard thunder and saw lightning. The wind is blowing now too, but not much rain has fallen.

The day was overcast and dull but when I saw these sunbathing hippos I had to do a U-turn and use them for my Blip. They are for sale at a large nursery and were so colourful they caught my eye instantly. The electric fence does not look very good in the photo but that's just the way things are in SA.

Here are some of the other garden gnomes they had for sale.

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