My Magic Kingdom

By HRHCinderella

Young Beauty

Today my daughter T made us very proud as she participated in her first modeling fashion show. We did not know what to expect from her as she has only been doing it for a short time but her confidence just blew us away. She just shone on that stage!

At least there was one bright part to the day. We had our first rainstorm of the season on Sayurday night which knocked out the power. We woke up to no electricity but thought it would return soon. By lunchtime still no power and we had to leave for Tayla's show.

Mr G, the boys and her 2 Grannies were all so proud of her. It only finished after 6pm with another huge thunderstorm. We left when the rain stopped.

Realising that there was still no power at home, we were able to have a celebratory meal at the Bangkok Wok in Fourways. They serve really delicious Thai food. We had to walk through the shopping mall avoiding the puddles and when we were ready to go home the sky was lit up with a beautiful show of lightning. As we started driving the heavens opened and the hail lashed down on us. We had to stop at a petrol station for shelter. Not too long and we were back on the road home to our dark house.

There is still no power as I write this Monday morning power is still off. Lest we forget that we live in Africa!

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