Family Dog

By Family_Dog

this liddle piggy went to market...

Okay, okay I know it's hardly original and I'm sure photos like this managed to keep the shop 'Athena' afloat for about a decade, but I don't care - I'm posting a picture of my son's lovely little foot and you can't stop me!

This little thing fits in my mouth. Okay - those of you who know me know that a double decker bus probably fits in my mouth - BUT, this wee foot fits in my mouth and I don't even have to try, it just pops right in and I could have a good munch on it if I really wanted.

Sometimes it really is quite hard not to munch the little toes, or the lovely wee chin. I want to consume him sometimes he's so edible. Still, that's probably taking things a little far.

Isn't it funny that these 5 perfect little toes that look so much like baked beans right now will one day be stomping around somewhere. Where will these feet take Arlo?

All good places hopefully. I'm hoping for lots of adventure for this boy.

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