Family Dog

By Family_Dog

what to choose, what to choose...

What with having a new born baby, a lovely husband, a dying cat, a granny visiting on her 80th birthday with my wonderful mother AND my mum's new Jack Russell puppy (Rocky) all in the house at the same time today I really was spoilt for choice on the blipping front.

It seems I don't have to leave the house these days for a decent picture. Just as well seeing as nobody's letting me go anywhere or do anything due to the bloody c-section...

Anyway - Rocky came with my mum and granny for a wee visit today. Gran's having a proper birthday party on Sunday so I figured I'd be able to blip her then so I thought I'd introduce you all to the Rockmeister. He is GORGEOUS and jumps about like a little lamb and has a fondness for trying to catch your toes (bad day to wear flip flops). He jiggled his way over to Big Bad Boris in a skippy, chipper manner and scuffled around him as if to say 'hello big fluffy thing, let's be friends - YIPEEEEE', to which Boris swatted him upside the head and walked off as if to say 'get the hell outta dodge short stuff, you aint got nothin' on me'.

Though, why Boris is Texan I have no idea.

To say it was a mad house would be putting it mildly, all the while my son cried his bleeding head off. Tut. I was starting to think that my previously lovely baby had been replaced by a grumpy rag bag when the answer to my question 'why the hell is he crying?' was answered after he passed a rather painful looking poop that looked like a big lump of plastacine. Poor bugger.


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