
By Mo

Bouncing back

Andrew got a pogo stick for his birthday and today was his first chance to really try it out. Despite what you see here, he's actually rather good at it. His record now stands at 777 continuous jumps. He'll be looking to beat that PB as soon as he can, he's that kind of boy.

Watched the rugby this morning, in between shuttling Matthew and Andrew to football. It's never easy being Scottish at times like these, but I thought they played valiantly and it was certainly an exciting match. Guess we'll all be supporting Red's team for the rest of the world cup. The boys' teams both lost too, which was a bummer but suited the prevailing mood.

Did the final preparations for Matthew's trip to camp next week. Everything, even pants, has got a name label on it now. Well, except for socks. After a week of outdoor education, I'd probably just as soon he lost those.

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