Through Jo's Lens

By Jo8lens

To Knit Or Not To Knit?

Had a new cooker fitted today which was exciting. When the fitters had fitted and gone, I went around the back of the house to see where they'd left the old cooker and it had gone. They never mentioned that they were actually taking the old cooker away. It's a pity because my Dad said he'd have it. Even more of a pity is that I'd taken the shelves and grill pan off the cooker so nobody can make much use of it. What a waste, it was like new!

I went around to my Mum's for a couple of hours. She's settled in her new house and having jobs done.

My friend, Kath, called around in the afternoon to tell me about her trip to the USA. She visited her cousin, his wife and children. The children are teenagers and are not allowed to watch tv on week nights so they would read or use the computer. The Mum would cook or do crafts. Kath had even made a start on a tea-cosy as she embraced their life style! Kath is a novice knitter and started a scarf about four years ago which she never finished. We have been talking for years about encouraging each other to knit and to maybe have a knitting evening. I can knit as my Grandma taught me when I was little. I've knitted about three Fair Isle type cardigans and a few jumpers in my time. The story behind this little jumper (it's the back) is that I started knitting it for Lewis. The jumper is to fit a two year old. I never got around to finishing it by the time Lewis was two (he's now 11), so, no problem, it would do for Jed....only I never finished it for him either (he's now 8)....maybe it would do for Rowan....well, he's now seven and, as you can see, the jumper is still far from finished!! If anyone out there has a son who is about to be two in maybe six months time, well, you never know.....

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