Through Jo's Lens

By Jo8lens

Curly Red Part 2

Well, my curly red bush has come on quite a bit since here. It obviously likes rain....I thought I'd blip it again as it's looking good and I didn't find anything else to blip today!!

I met some lovely patients on my home visits today. I am always amazed by the tragic times some of them have lived through. The older generation are inspiring and they always make me count my blessings.

Jed came running up to me after school and gleefully informed me that his shoes had split....I couldn't believe it as I'd only bought them at the start of this term. That means he's had 19 school days of wear out of them. I went straight back to the shop with them. I hate to complain and always have to go through some imaginery role play in my head about what I'll say/what might happen....I don't know why I do this as nothing ever happens in the way I think it might!! As soon as I went up to the counter, the shop assistant said: "Has the stitching come apart?" Apparently, they have had lots of returns and it's a fault of that particular shoe (they were a decent make too, not some cheap ones) Jed went to choose some different shoes and we just did a straight swap. My problem is that Rowan also has the same shoes as the ones which split....his haven't split yet so I can't replace them as there's nothing wrong with them but I feel like they will split because of that's happened to Jed's shoes. Rowan's shoes will probably split in 3 months time when the shop will no longer replace them as they'll be deemed to have had their use. Oh well, we'll see....

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