Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

Interesting people Number 2

My second attempt at stopping complete strangers who interested me and asking if I could take their picture met the same response as the first - delighted engagement and friendly grins. So far I must be doing something right. Must get some business cards printed to give them so that they can check out my blip. If anyone lives in the Guildford area and knows these guys, pass on my blip details!

Okay so the house feels a bit empty with the two big kids away at Uni and Gran Canaria respectively, but we've had a good day albeit a bit domestic. Guildford looked lovely in the sunshine. Got some really nice pics of the canal, an old guy feeding the birds and an ice cream seller with a hairy pink parasol. He was very interested in my camera but a bit incredulous when I started describing the cost of a digital SLR and some lenses, but the price he was charging for ice creams I am sure they were well within his reach ....

Off to see Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy to night. Haven't done the flicks in ages so really looking forward to it. Home made sausage and mushroom pie with rosemary roast potatoes first.

Really, life is good.

Postscript: The other thing I like in this pic is the poster girl looking enquiringly in the gap ... made me smile when I saw it afterwards

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