Our Little Lady

By theLifeofFernie

We have had the most amazing day,
We got to see jayne & the twins again!
We all met up at Paignton Zoo,
which is half way for all of us,
It was a early birthday treat for me,
I am 2 on wednesday and mummy,
wanted to do something special,
Think this works don't you!
We went round and round in circles,
because Jayne was following mummy,
yet mummy was following Jayne...!
Silly mummy's, should have brought a map!
We got there in the end though and finally saw everything,
We had lunch and cake after wards,
then saw lots and lots of animals,
I ran round with Jack,
as erin took to liking my buggy!
Jayne brought me an ice cream,
Lick Lick, dribble dribble,
hang on daddy were is that going,
Hey No I have not finished,
come back, No not in the bin....
I scream, I run to the bin, I peer in,
I want my ice cream remains back,
Mean daddy :( I sulked but soon forgot,
when we found more interesting things to investigate
there is so much to write, but We won't bore you,
Mummy is going to sort through the pics and make a collage,
she will link it in the next few days,
This blip is me saying thank you to Jayne for a gorgeous birthday present,
a minnie mouse back pag/trolley thing,
its pink and shiney and sparkly, I love it
and am currently hugging it!!!
thank you xxx

really has been an amazing day, yet as always good things have to end :( fernie broke her little heart on leaving :( Thank you again Jayne and Darren xxxx

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