Mummy didn't tell you my funny moment the other day!

Saturday morning daddy arrived home at 630am,
Mummy came down to greet him,
When at 7ish she decided to get me up to say hello,
Normally a toddler would like to get up, have food etc,
Hmm Not this one!
I got carried down, mummy sat me on her lap,
I threw a strop, threw myself screaming down,
ran to the door, ran upstairs, climbed back into bed,
and went back to sleep for another 2 hours......
I got back up, when I was good and ready thank you!!

this Blip is me being cheeky,
they have stopped me snacking in between meals,
I am not liking this, no way,
I found my changing bag,
stole out a biscuit, and knelt like this,
eating it, suddenly I hear daddy,
I look round find mummy and daddy laughing,
I think what?! I look at them totally blank expression,
No smile, just looking, continuing to eat my biscuit,
I raise my eyebrows as they laugh, then turn back to my biscuit!!
Mummy snapped this as I was trying to work out,
If tissues are edible!! they are not, I don't recommend them!

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