H2 is playing at blipping

By H2

Birthday Flower

This is for my sister Susi, for her birthday.

Susi is lovely. She's gentle, funny and very kind. She sings beautifully and all my life I've loved the way that she draws.

Susi left home to go to college when I was still quite young and she was always so welcoming when I went to stay with her in school holidays and at weekends. Those times really stand out in my memories of being an adolescent as havens of fun and being treated as a grown-up.

She's also a fantastic mum to my twin nephews, who used to be tiny and cute and now tower over me as fab young men rushing helter-skelter towards their GCSEs.

Happy Birthday Suse.

Truth be told, Susi nearly got pictures of tractors for her birthday blip. What can I say, it's not what one expects to see tractors by the Minster on a Sunday morning, even if it is the Sunday they celebrate harvest... I decided she might not appreciate the sight so I've popped them in my blipfolio instead.

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