The Memory Keeper

By athousandwords


Erin was our amp jockey last night/ early this morning... In a very literal sense! I don't even think we were low on chairs, most people had crashed out/ left by this point. I guess she just likes to perch.

Last night was great fun, but sadly today brought me back to the reality that this has not been a good week. First off, I decided to pre-book a super early train home for today. Which was ok really, as my phone alarm went off and for once I actually managed to get up and out. Though sadly it was raining outside. And of course I didn't bring an umbrella. Anyway, so I ran most of the way to the train station, slowing only to dodge puddles (typically not looking when I ran straight through the deepest one), and to swear profusely at the speeding van driver who soaked me from the waist down just metres from the train station.

Profanities aside, managed to hop onto the Aberdeen-bound train just before the doors shut, causing many giggles and whispers from other passengers regarding my soggy state. I could have been swimming fully clothed in the Tay for all they knew, I was that wet. The journey continued with no further incidents, athough there was one embarrassing moment when I tried to discreetly change out of my wet - and therefore seethrough - top just as the conductor arrived to check my tickets!

To continue, my train arrived in Aberdeen without delay, and I waddled damply to meet my mum in the waiting car. Blah blah blah, we arrived home and I hopped into some warm clothes before setting out to visit the Horse. Who stood on my foot :(

There's not much more to write for today really... Other than the fact that I discovered I now have tonsillitus. Probably should have guessed that several days ago but I've been pretty choked up anyway, somehow assuming that the permanent lump in my throat was caused by emotion alone. Not the case, my tonsils are horribly oversized and I can barely swallow.

Next week has to be better, how could it not be?!

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