Titley Times

By racheltitley


Today I finally had to get down to making a Viking costume for eldest - they are immersing themselves in their Viking studies and have a 'real' Viking coming to visit this week from the local museum service.

But before I could craft this masterpiece I had to rescue the sewing machine from the spare room and carry out an emergency repair to the bobbin spindle - a cotton bud, super glue and a thread bandage - all sorted and ready to go.

Its been a while since I sewed - and given that I had no pattern and that eldest was out fishing with his dad so all guessed from a pair of tracksuit bottoms and tiddler - but I was reasonably impressed - it fits and eldest thinks I'm the best mummy ever.

I'm just hoping that the weather cools otherwise his intended for October-wear brown fleece Viking trousers will be a little on the warm side.

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