From where i stand!!!

By Dancingninja

Past and present!!!

Well it was only taken yesterday with my little Diana camera!!! Yes i am very proud that out of a 36 exp film i got at least 4 pics this time, which is better than one so progress is being made!!!!! I think the man in there now knows me and thinks oh god here she comes I said i don't care what they look like!! In english just humour me, smile and take my money!!

So what another beautiful day, tried to get a run to burn off excess calories of a tub of chocolate cornflakes i ate yesterday whilst blipping, today i am being healthy and eating an apple, but run didn't happen cause had not wrote friends hair colour in diary forgotten my friend was booked in for a colour. It's ninja training tonight so shall be fresh as a daisy for that and that is bloody hard at the mo as he's taken it up a gear for comp!! So come out wet through to the point where i think my eyelashes even sweat!!! Haha Last week our sensei was proper laughing at the girls cause he said we all looked like we'd been dragged through a hedge backwards and where else would he see girls looking that bad???? Thanks!!!!!

Right off to do some sit in the garden and soak up the sun housework yawnfor the benefit of G if he ever looks!!!

:0) X

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