The Pain of Me

By snyder54

Satan's Angels


Today, we had a guest speaker at school. He's an author from Newark, Ohio. It was kinda exciting. The rest of the day was so slow. We finished up the movie Into Thin Air, which was pretty awesome. Then we watched The Gray VS. The Blue in history. I'm pretty into it.

Then today I learned that I am a "Skanky Hoe" for the next four years in band. My friend Hannah is the queen, Abbey is the bookeeper, Camille is the Duchess, Kindle is the Princess, and I'm the gesture. Then we had to vote for what our bunks for band camp were going to look like. It's going to be PENGUINS! haha. It shall be amazing. I need to go find some penguin stuff. Oh Theresa, haha.

Well my blip for today is of my hand + my band name. We are going to be in the talent show next Wednesday, well my friend Nathan and I are. I'm so excited.

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