The Pain of Me

By snyder54

Blinded By The Light

Bruce Springsteen

Today, was a pretty good day. My first 3 classes all we did was mess around. Only one thing made me mad. They said they would have my yearbook today, they took me this yesterday when I asked them. They still don't have it. I was one of the first people to order it, so I have no clue why I didn't get mine first. If I don't get mine by tomorrow, I'm complaing to the advisor. She even told me that it should be in today.

Well the rest of the day was good. I got to write in the "Skanky Hoe" book. It's kinda like a journal thing, that all of us write in and put important things. Plus, I got a new trombone today! Well, it's not brand new, but it's new to me. :]

Well my blip for today is of the back of my MP3 player with my camera in the way of the mirror on the back of it. I was just randomly messing around, and the picture turned out pretty awesome.

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