
By Valderee74

All I need is a tall ship & a star to steer he

Off to school tonight, studying for RYA Dayskipper.

Have always had a fascination for admiralty charts, the training syllabus ones are interesting. The tutor told us last week that every member of the RYA head office staff is named each year somewhere on the charts, which makes me look even more curiously at all the little inlets and features on the chart. Over the next 20 evenings I'll be learning to plot anchorages, plan pilots and generally navigate all over them. It is a bit of a shame there's no Sodor Island on the chart (I've checked) as my little nephews would have been impressed!

Went from blonde to brunette today. Wows. Big Change. Think... I like it.
Always fancied it. Hairdresser has acheived a shade about 3 tones darker than I'd have picked, however it's only semi-permanent and I might as well try it just incase I lose it all. Wonder if the little nephews will recognise me next time I see 'em :-) Cat didn't bat a whisker.

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