
By Valderee74

And did you ask to be died mahogany?

This scene in Jenners fairly lifted my sprits today as I traipsed around George Street hair salons asking for consultations from colourists. Blipped yesterday I'd had a wee "hair do" change. No, I did not ask to be died mahogony, I asked for my blonde highlights to be toned down so I could go natural. I came out darker than a chocolate lab. Nothing wrong with the colour (or chocolate labs for that matter) just the wrong hair on my head. So now I am shorter, mahogony with some lowlights and £183 down. £60 quid yesterday in a shame nameless salon in Cannonmills and £123 to "fix" today in Cheynes on George Street. Fairy liquid has been suggested as the weapon of choice to get the rest of the labrador out of my hair. Seems to fly against my current regime of as natural as possible products and healing mineral water (see blip 1) so I'll suck up the mahogany for a few days and see it it starts to look less of a shock each time I look in the mirror before I go for hair that does dishes.

Still. Aren't the fairy lights lovely? I don't know if they still get a huge Norwegian tree in there now that they are House of Fraser and not independent but it fairly took me back to my childhood, I remember the awe of the Jenners Christmas scene with much much fondness.

Must of been something subliminal going on after the 3 remedial hours with the gorgeous tall surfer hairdresser in Cheynes as a packet of special figgy puddings (are they like Christmas Pud? I have no idea..) slipped into my basket in Lakeland on the way back to the bus! Later... with Mackies Honeycomb Icecream I think.... If you can't comfort eat your way out of a BAD hair day, when can you?

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