
By Appreciation

Week 6

Week 6 started well. We had a clear brief, the set up was only one light and we were staying the the first studio so that we could maximise the time. Perfect.

I had taken my tripod to assist me and a light to help my focussing issues. Be Prepared! I had a first shoot of oor Scarlet Haberdashery and realised that I needed to up the aperture and get more light in, then move a bit or add bounce to get the shadows away from her nose.

Sadly before my next turn a series of power cuts descended and we called off the class. It was terribly frustrating as there was the potential to get a lot of time on shoot tonight. Never mind, we will get another week and freaks of nature or some stupid contractor somewhere can't be helped. In order to view this I had to brighten it up considerably. There is improvement and the camera was focusing more easily.

In other news I couldn't decide what to do this morning, many mundane jobs, so instead I painted the kitchen. So far five people have been in, including the ones that live here and no-one has noticed!

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