Marjorie's ramblings

By walkingMarj

Better late than never

We lost several clematis plants over last winter. This one climbs through a yew by the road at the front of the house. It has opened its first flower of 2011 this week! The recent unseasonably hot weather has done the trick.

I have a new toy - an "unauthorised purchase", as my friend G would say. (He makes these purchases when his wife goes away for a few days.) This is a second hand, as new Ricoh CX1 which replaces my old Panosomic Lumix. So far I very much like the way this handles and it is an excellent addition to the little family of cameras we have in our house. (I've convinced myself it was a justified buy.)

Lazy day including a lovely sleep this afternoon. Now I'm ready for tomorrow's walk and for the walking festival on Saturday.

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