The Memory Keeper

By athousandwords

Risky angle...

To continue with the "snout series" as it will now be known, I bring you Horace (real name Risky)...

He got me back for this rather ungraceful shot... As soon as he finished eating his dinner he turned and dried his filthy whiskers all over my previously clean hoodie. As to the reason why he is chewing in such a peculiar manner, he has a condition known as Parrot Mouth. This means that his jaw does not align properly, so teeth on one side of his mouth are worn down considerably more than the other. Makes eating more of a challenge for him but I guess he's used to it by now, though he does pull some pretty silly faces as a result :)

Thank you for all your recent concern regarding the throat and stuff... A week has passed now since this and things are slowly starting to look up... Managed to stay in a good mood for all of yesterday and didn't cry once... Go me! I've found loads of distractions to keep me thinking positive, for one thing my room is now completely tidy... Something which hasn't been seen since the day I first moved in! Went for a long relaxing bath last night, with candles and the whole shebang. No less than ten minutes after stepping into the lovely bubbly water, I was rudely interrupted by Jack, who chose the opportune moment to stride into the bathroom and "offload his cargo" into the litter tray. Guess that'll teach me not to leave the door open in future!

Throat still hurts but who cares, it'll get better :)

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