Dolly's Day

By dollydoug

Charity shop bargain

This afternoon I braved the howling wind and spitting rain to go down to the village. Couldn't put it off as I had banking business and some letters to post.

As usual I popped into the charity shops - even though its a small village it boasts 2 charity shops. Found this lovely necklace in one of them. It was on a shelf of NEW goods. There were loads of these necklaces- different shapes but all similar- all were boxed up and marked at £3. Chose one I liked and went to the till. Then I was told that all new goods were half price today so I cheerfully paid £1.50 for it.

Its not silver and its not amber but from a distance it could be both. So a nice little surprise bargain buy for me today.

**** Neil update. He says:-

"Kuala Lumpur has plenty to look at so we're keeping busy. Botanical Gardens and city centre yesterday, some caves today and the twin towers tomorrow. Leave for Singapore on Friday."

He has put loads of photos on Facebook and I must say that the camera I gave him ( my own, favourite, best camera) is producing some stunning shots. (Of course Neil must get some of the credit)

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