Anni Mamundi

By An1ma

On Blewbury Hill...

.. And there was a thrill, of a kind.

The hill we climbed (me and a pal) is called Blewburton Hill, though it's in Blewbury. An Iron Age Hillfort wih amazing views all around, it was beautiful up there this afternoon.

There were some nice shots of a red kite against a bleak sky, battling the force of the warm wind, and some (perhaps more representative!) images of the surrounding countryside. But the one moment of best light gave me the power station, so here you have it!

Shame on me that I've never climbed this hill before. I shall be returning.

Other news? Busy with family stuff mostly. Hence the need for a blow and a walk. The old Nursing Home issues continue.

So much for juggling the cookery book project and blip; I'm managing neither very well at the moment!

And don't even start me on home movie editing (there's a huge backlog!)

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